Course for intermediate (1800-2200) players based on textbook by V. Golenishchev
This is a course for intermediate players based on a textbook by a distinguished Russian chess trainer Victor Golenishchev.ソース素材には、最新の主要コンテストのリードチェスプレーヤーによるプレイの例が補完されており、チェスレッスンで開催されています。 The course contains 34 themes, including theoretical material and practical exercises. The theoretical part includes more than 290 examples of play. The practical part includes more than 750 exercises of varying difficulty.
This course is in the series Chess King Learn (https://learn.chessking.com/), which is an unprecedented chess teaching method.シリーズには、戦術、戦略、開口部、ミドルゲーム、エンドゲームのコースが含まれており、初心者から経験豊富なプレイヤー、さらにはプロのプレイヤーにまでレベルで分かれています。
The program acts as a coach who gives tasks to solve and helps to solve them if you get stuck. It will give you hints, explanations and show you even striking refutation of the mistakes you might make.
Advantages of the program:
♔ High quality examples, all double-checked for correctness
♔ You need to enter all key moves, required by the teacher
♔ Different levels of complexity of the tasks
♔ Various goals, which need to be reached in the problems
♔ The program gives hint if an error is made
♔ For typical mistaken moves, the refutation is shown
♔ You can play out any position of the tasks against the computer
♔ Interactive theoretical lessons
♔ Structured table of contents
♔ The program monitors the change in the rating (ELO) of the player during the learning process
♔ Test mode with flexible settings
♔ Possibility to bookmark favorite exercises
♔ The application is adapted to the bigger screen of a tablet
♔ The application does not require an internet connection
♔ You can link the app to a free Chess King account and solve one course from several devices on Android, iOS and Web at the same time
The course includes a free part, in which you can test the program. Lessons offered in the free version are fully functional. They allow you to test the application in real world conditions before releasing the following topics:
1. Preface
2. Solving combinations competition
3. Blitz competition
4. Solving problems competition
5. Solving study competition
6. Training the technique of calculation
7. Basics of strategy
7.1。 Pawn majority on one of the flanks
7.2。 Pawn chain
7.3。 A qualitative pawn majority
7.4。 Restriction of the mobility and blockade
7.5。 A pawn pair "c3+d4" on the semi-opened files
7.6。 An isolated pawn in the center of the board
7.7。 Hanging pawns
7.8。 Carlsbad structure
7.9。 Closed center
7.10。 Compensation for a pawn
8. Endings
8.1。 A bishop against a knight
8.2。 A bishop against the pawns
8.3。 The bishops of the same color
8.4。 The bishops of opposite color
8.5。 A knight against the pawns
8.6。 The knight endings
8.7。 A rook against the pawns
8.8。 The rook endings
8.9。 A rook against a minor piece
8.10。 The queen endings
8.11。 A queen versus a rook
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